Boot volume damage is a very critical situation that may prevent your Windows computer from being started and may cause volume and file loss. In such situations, to get your vital data back, you need to opt for File Recovery. When you start your Windows computer whose boot or system volume is corruption, you might encounter the following error message (where second parameter is 0xC0000032 DISK_CORRUPTION_ERROR): "Stop 0x0000007B (0x00000000, 0xC0000032, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Inaccessible_boot_device" If you attempt to install Microsoft Windows 2000 on damage NTFS (New Technology File System) volume, you might come across the following error message: "Windows 2000 recognizes the partition you selected, but the partition is unformatted or damaged. To install Windows 2000 on this partition, setup must reformat it." When you start Windows 2000 Recovery Console and use "dir" command to view and access the contents of volume, following error message may occur: "Directory of F: An error occurred during directory enumeration." If you run CHKDSK utility against damaged volume, the process completes with no errors and corrections. However, you can not access data or boot system from volume and receive error message. Root of this behavior This problem takes place because NTFS volume has a damage or invalid record in either the $LogFile file or the $UsnJrnl file. Both these files are system files that used only by NTFS file system and CHKDSK doesn't check the integrity of these files. Only MFT (Master File Table) is checked by CHKDSK for the valid entries of these files. Resolution There are three possible methods to fix this problem: 1. Use Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Microsoft Windows XP Recovery console to repair $UsnJrnl file. 2. Use Fsutil.exe utility from Windows XP Boot CD to remove Change/USN journal. 3. Attach damaged drive to another computer which is running Windows 2000 to repair it. If none of the above methods work, use File Recovery Software to thoroughly scan your Windows drive and extract all of the data from it. These software work in the majority of data loss situations and perform safe, quick and easy recovery. File Recovery Software has interactive user interface with rich graphical support and thus do not require sound technical skills. These software can recover every type of files including Office files, music files, images, videos and application files. Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery is an advanced tool to carry out assured File Recovery. It supports recovery from FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS and NTFS5 file system volumes. This software is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista, 2003, XP and 2000. It supports recovery of more that 300 file types. Robin Watson a student of Mass Communication doing research on file recovery software. He is also a freelancer for partition recovery Labels: backup-ntfs-permissions-to-a-file, data-emergency-ntfs-recovery-software, data-recovery-software-ntfs, data-recovery-xp-dynamic-ntfs-hard-drive, dynamic-xp-ntfs-data-recovery-hard-drive |