If you have work files, private financial information or bookkeeping stored on your computer, this could be the most important article that you will ever read. As with any electronic device, glitches can occur without warning and, when it comes to computers, they can often result in the loss of important files. But, what if there was some way to recover the data that you thought was lost? For many, this theory is music to your ears. The good news is, however, that it's not a theory because your computer may have an excellent data recovery capability that you didn't even know about. The first and most reliable way to ensure data recovery is to make a back-up copy of your file(s) and store them onto a CD or another location in your computer. In some cases, you may even prefer to store a back-up file on a different computer. This will help greatly in the event that your original file becomes corrupted or is missing. If you are operating your computer using Microsoft Windows XP, you may use the System Restore feature to undo harmful changes to your computer and restore its settings and performance. System Restore returns your computer to an earlier time (called a restore point) without causing you to lose recent work, such as saved documents, e-mail or history and favorites lists. As an added benefit, any changes that System Restore makes to your computer are completely reversible. You may access this feature by clicking on Programs, then Accessories and choosing the System Restore feature. This will work as an effective data recovery method for most computer users. If you experience problems with your startup screen, you may be able to restart the system in Safe Mode. This will allow for you to make some changes and access several features in an effort to find the problem. In Safe Mode, you will only have access to basic files and drivers, but will not be able to logon to the internet. If you are still experiencing difficulty with data recovery, you may find success with inserting the appropriate Restore/System CD that came with your computer. When prompted, you can choose to repair the system without affecting any data or software programs. To do so, restart the computer with the CD inside and press R to start the Recovery Console. From there, you can access the drives on your computer and make any needed changes. This approach is effective if the computer is experiencing a problem with startup or is not working properly and no other remedy will work. If you are experiencing problems that none of the aforementioned methods will correct, your last resort may be to use the Windows Installation CD, which will reinstall the operating system to it's original configuration. This will erase all files, including data files, which means the only way to have a successful data recovery using this method is if you have saved back-up copies that you can access via CD-Rom or another computer and transfer them onto the reinstalled system. In conclusion, the most successful data recovery will come from back-up copies and/or being able to use the Repair feature without affecting current files or programs. In some cases, the manufacturer of the computer may be able to recommend additional steps for data recovery, but the most common ones are outlined above.
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