Tape data recovery is the new age technology that helps us retrieve the corrupted or errored data. Important information is always stored in any reliable form. Tapes are one such form in which data can be stored for future retrieval. These tapes may be subjected to wide kinds of harsh environments. Excessive heat or contact with water, failure or mishandling of cartridge or even age can detiorate the valuable information stored in the tape format and in such cases the information is often hampered or worst lost.
Technology now is so very handy that it can help us retrieve this corrupted or errored data from the source tape and make it very close to the original. There are circumstances when we have to look back at the information that we stored in tapes for references. Many data processing works and files are stored in tapes. When we look for the same information again, we find that data is either blurred or hard to follow. This is the time when we need to clean the existing data and make it accessible and useful, that?s what data recovery does.
Tape data recovery can be done in two ways: Physical data recovery and logical data recovery. The former method is followed when the tape is subjected to material loss such as cracked or broken reels, folded or twisted tapes or deposits of mud. The logical data recovery is comparatively hard wherein data is recovered from tapes that are overwritten or blurred due to continuous usage.
The data recovery process starts with primarily creating a raw image of the data on action front tape or drive media then the physical recovery starts with cleaning the tape, splicing it and respooling it .The logical recovery involves the low level logical segmentation of the tape and assessing the data therein by sampling the present data it is refurnished through software and in places where the data loss is huge dummy blocks are set. Tape data recovery helps us make spoiled tapes into new, useful ones.
Data Recovery provides detailed information on Data Recovery, Data Recovery Experts, Data Recovery Services, Data Recovery Software and more. Data Recovery is affliated with Data Management Software.Labels: how-is-fat-burned, how-to-recover-data-damaged-software-cd, how-to-recover-deleted-files, how-to-start-a-data-backup-service, how-to-undelete-a-raid-5-file, tape-data-recovery |